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You are here: Home / Agenda / évènements / Research school on Graph Signal Processing

Research school on Graph Signal Processing

When Sep 10, 2018 12:00 to
Sep 14, 2018 12:00
Where Aussois, France
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Dear colleagues,

We are very happy to invite you to participate in the next summer school on Graph
Signal Processing 10-14 September 2018, Aussois, France. The main topic is graph
signal processing, in particular, development of signal processing tools for data
structured as graphs.
The graph consists in nodes corresponding to the studied variables and edges that
link the nodes. This school is supported by CNRS, within an ANR project GraphSIP
started in 2014 between members of the scientific committee.

The summer school registration's site is now open!

This GRAPHSIP school will gather experts in graph signal processing and optimisation,
with lectures on :

Courses for methodological introductions
    Graph signal processing: Pierre Vandergheynst, Pascal Frossard
    Optimisation: Nelly Pustelnik

Focus courses
    Neuroscience by Dimitri van de Ville et Jonas Richiardi
    3D clouds of points by Julie Digne

Practical sessions
    Graph transforms by Nicolas Tremblay, Pierre Borgnat and Sophie Achard
    Graph denoising by Nelly Pustelnik
We are looking forward to meeting you in Aussois!
Best regards,
Sophie Achard for the organising committee. 

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