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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Agenda / évènements / Workshop on Economic and Financial Networks

Workshop on Economic and Financial Networks

This workshop, organized by the CFM Chair of Econophysics and Complex Systems together with the Department of Economics of École polytechnique, will bring together physicists, economists and other network scientists to present the latest advances in the field. It will comprehend a number of sessions around different types of networks, from financial, economic and social networks to more general complex networks such as ecosystems, thus addressing a large panel of topical issues in complexity science.
Quand ? Du 08/06/2020 à 09:00
au 09/06/2020 à 16:15
Où ? ISC-PIF, Paris
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Co-organized by the CFM Chair of Econophysics and Complex Systems and the Economics Department of École polytechnique.

To be held at the Institut des Systèmes Complexes, 113 Rue Nationale, 75013 Paris

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