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You are here: Home / Agenda / Seminars / Séminaires 2016 / Deep dive into social network and economic data:

Deep dive into social network and economic data:

A data driven approach for uncovering temporal ties, human mobility, and socioeconomic correlations. Thesis Defense Yannick
When Dec 16, 2016
from 02:00 to 05:00
Where Amphitheatre Descartes, ENS de Lyon
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This thesis is interdisciplinary and will present some results in Network Science, Dynamic Graphs but also Sociology, Economy and Geography. The presentation will be in English.

members of the jury

- Eric Fleury - ENS de Lyon, INRIA, LIP
- Crespelle Christophe - UCBL Lyon 1, LIP
- Karsai Marton -ENS de Lyon, INRIA, LIP
- Magnien Clémence - CNRS, LIP6
- Jari Saramaki - Aalto University
- Cardon Dominique - Science Po Paris, Medialab
- Lambiotte Renaud - University of Namur


In this thesis, I have carried out data-driven studies based on rich, large-scale combined data sets including social links between users (calls and SMS), their demographic parameters (age and gender), their mobility and their economic information such as income and spendings. These seven studies bring insights in network science but also in sociology, economy and geography. The questions asked are very diversified. How can one quantify the loss of temporal information caused by the aggregation of link streams into series of graphs? How can one infer mobility of a user from his or her localisations of calls? Is it possible to transmit SMS in a dense region by using the density of phones, the mobility of users and the locality of the messages? How can one quantify and prove empirically the social stratification of the society at a large population scale? I present, for this last question, a first socio-economic study with a data-driven approach. It has been possible to study, at a very large scale, the stratification of the society, the existence of "rich-clubs", the spatial segregation and purchase patterns for each social class.
You are also invited to the post PhD drinks with Monacan specialities that will be held after the defense in Salle Festive (ENS de Lyon, campus Descartes) from 4:30 pm and drinks will continue well into the night till 3 am.