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You are here: Home / Agenda / Seminars / Séminaires 2016 / Séminaire hebdomadaire de l'IXXI

Séminaire hebdomadaire de l'IXXI

Universality and Cellular Automata over evolving geometries.
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When Jun 10, 2016
from 11:30 to 12:30
Where ENS de Lyon, Site Monod, Salle 116
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Abstract: Cellular Automata and Graph Rewriting are two established models of natural phenomena and agent systems. Whilst Cellular Automata enjoy strong mathematical grounds, synchronism and determinism, Graph Rewriting enables us to change the topology dynamically. In this presentation I will introduce Causal Graph Dynamics: a way to describe graph transformations that arises as an extension of Cellular Automata theory and gets the best of both worlds. Next, I will show how one universal family of Causal Graph Dynamics can simulate all others.