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You are here: Home / News / ASLAN Postdoctoral fellowship

ASLAN Postdoctoral fellowship

The laboratory of Excellence ASLAN (Advanced Studies on Language Complexity) is offering three postdoctoral fellowships for a period of 24 months. One position (#2015A, see below) is targeted towards the study of complexity in language and communication.


The candidate research project will address issues related to the complexity of language(s) or complexity issues in language interactions and human communication in the broad sense (see Work Package 1 description).

Priority will be given to approaches based on modeling or at least quantitative methodologies. The Steering committee is open to all topics, especially on the following areas:
    - “Complex Adaptive Systems” approaches applied to communication in digital communities (twitter, etc.)
    - Quantification and/or regulation of linguistic information
    - Modelization of emergent phenomena in communication

Deadline: May, 31 2015
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