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PhD on Google matrix analysis of mobile networks

A PhD position in computer science is available at IRIT laboratory in Toulouse for 3 years. This position is in the context of the GOMOBILE project, that focuses on the Google matrix analysis of mobile networks.
This project is a collaboration between the networking team (IRT - of IRIT lab and the quantum coherence group ( of the laboratory of theoretical physics in Toulouse.  
We are looking for a candidate interested in an inter-disciplinary research project, with either a computer science or a physics background. The candidate should demonstrate good mathematical skills. The proposed research will benefit from the environment of two European projects (FET NADINE and CHIST-ERA MACACO). 
Short description: 
Modern societies have seen the emergence of enormous networks such as communication, trade or social networks. Such networks carry rich metadata over nodes and edges, and thus can be modeled as dynamic directed graphs. The joint analysis of collections of such complex directed networks becomes of primary importance for the understanding of economics, society and science. This PhD will look into the characterization of such dynamic networks by studying large datasets (e.g. contact graphs of mobile phone users, graph of multilingual Wikis webpages, international trade graph for thousands of products between world countries using COMTRADE database). 
Its originality is to leverage developments from the field of quantum chaos for the google matrix analysis of such complex networks. This study will build on advanced mathematical tools (e.g. Markov chains, Google matrix, and/or operators used in quantum chaos). As such, this subject lies at the intersection of physics, mathematics and computer science. 
Start date
October 2015
IRIT at ENSEEIHT school, city center of Toulouse, France (
Katia Jaffrès-Runser (, Laboratoire IRIT, site ENSEEIHT, UMR 5055,Toulouse
Dima Shepelyansky (, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, UMR 5152,Toulouse
Application material:
Please submit your application by e-mail to Katia Jaffrès-Runser including the following material:
1- A Curriculum vitae;
2- A list of 2-3 reference persons (with e-mail) we may ask recommendation from; 
3- Transcripts of Master level diploma;
4- Links to masters or internship reports, and publications if available.
Applications will be evaluated until the position is filled.