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You are here: Home / News / Postdoctoral position at IXXI on the algorithmic and mathematical foundations of resource-efficient machine learning

Postdoctoral position at IXXI on the algorithmic and mathematical foundations of resource-efficient machine learning

Post-doc in the context of the ACADEMICS project (Machine Learning & Data Science for Complex and Dynamical Models) funded by the IDEXLyon.

Dear colleagues,

The DANTE team at ENS de Lyon, France is seeking highly qualified candidates for a postdoctoral position on the algorithmic and mathematical foundations of resource-efficient machine learning, in the context of the ACADEMICS project (Machine Learning & Data Science for Complex and Dynamical Models) funded by the IDEXLyon. 
We would be grateful if you would pass along this information to valuable potential candidates.
Best regards,
Rémi Gribonval

Sample research topics include (download pdf version of the offer here): Expressivity and Robustness of Sparse Deep Networks; Provable Algorithms for Sparse Deep Learning; Random Sketches for Efficient Manifold & Graph-based Learning. 

Starting date and duration: early 2020, one year – renewable 

Location : 


To apply: Applicants are requested to send a detailed CV, a list of publications and a brief statement of research interests. This material, together with two letters of reference, shall be sent to Rémi Gribonval

Rémi GRIBONVAL   -   Inria & ENS de Lyon