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You are here: Home / Agenda / évènements / International conference ‘Perspectives in Environmental and Systems Biology’

International conference ‘Perspectives in Environmental and Systems Biology’

Grenoble will host an outstanding international scientific event in the field of systems biology.
When Apr 13, 2015 09:00 to
Apr 15, 2015 12:00
Where Campus Domaine Universitaire 341 rue de la Papeterie, Saint-Martin d’Hères
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The conference *Perspectives in Environmental and Systems Biology* will bring together more than 150 scientists from all over the world, including biologists, physicians, health professionals, environmental scientists, and specialists in mathematical and computational modeling. The conference is organized by the Grenoble Federal Research Structure Environmental and Systems Biology on the campus of the University Grenoble Alpes *on April 13-15, 2015*.

Perspectives in Environmental and Systems Biology will emphasize the inter- and cross-disciplinary character of systems biology, and integrate contributions of various classical disciplines ranging from molecular and cellular biology to medicine and ecology, informatics and applied mathematics. It will discuss topics such as multi-scale approaches, the analysis of networks, computational modelling, systems biology in medicine, and synthetic biology. More than 25 distinguished scientists have already accepted to present their view of systems biology.

Retrieve the conference program on the dedicated website: (or download it directly

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