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You are here: Home / Agenda / évènements / Workshop on Representation Learning for Complex Data

Workshop on Representation Learning for Complex Data

This workshop aims at gathering researchers from the different fields interested in the development of representation learning, such as machine learning, information retrieval, natural language processing, computer vision, data mining. We target researchers from both industry and academia to join forces in this exciting area. We intend to discuss the recent and significant developments in RL and to promote cross-fertilization of techniques. This event is at the initiative of the Data Mining & Decision team of the ERIC Lab, Université de Lyon.
When May 24, 2019
from 09:30 to 04:30
Where IUT Lumière Lyon 2 - Grand amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 1 - 160 Boulevard de l'Université, 69500 Bron
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The program includes keynote presentations from invited speakers and a poster session. The poster session is intended to foster a discussion between young researchers who begin working with such techniques and experts in the field. Please note that we do not plan to publish proceedings for this workshop.

Important Dates


- Submission Deadline: April 1, 2019
- Notification Date: April 15, 2019
- Workshop Date: May 24, 2019



Submission Guidelines


This workshop accepts short papers, up to 4 pages, plus 1 page for references. Submissions should be formatted according to the RNTI style: Note that the submission is NOT anonymous. The names and affiliations of the authors must be clearly stated. Submissions must be self-contained and in French or in English. The accepted papers will be presented in a poster session during the lunch break.

Submission site:



Topics of interest

- unsupervised, semi-supervised, and supervised representation learning
- metric/kernel learning
- different kinds of embeddings (word, sentence, document, graph...)
- visualization/interpretation of learned representations
- applications in various fields (vision, audio, speech, NLP...)
- demonstration



Program Committee


Alexandre Allauzen : LIMSI, Université Paris-Sud
Isabelle Bloch : LTCI, Telecom ParisTech
Rémi Cazabet : LIRIS, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon
Vincent Claveau : IRISA, CNRS
Nicolas Dugué : LIUM, Le Mans Université
Adrien Guille : ERIC, Université Lumière Lyon 2
Amaury Habrard : LHC, Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne
Christine Largeron : LHC, Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne
Benjamin Piwowarski : LIP6, Sorbonne Université, Paris, CNRS
Julien Velcin : ERIC, Université Lumière Lyon 2




This workshop is organized by the Data Mining & Decision team of the ERIC laboratory, Université de Lyon.

Julien Velcin -
Adrien Guille -





IUT Lumière Lyon 2
Grand amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 1
160 Boulevard de l'Université, 69500 Bron

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