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You are here: Home / Agenda / Seminars / Séminaires 2016 / Séminaire hebdomadaire de l’IXXI

Séminaire hebdomadaire de l’IXXI

Tentative to relate functional and structural changes in protein, caused by mutations (perturbations) using amino-acid networks.
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When Mar 25, 2016
from 11:30 to 12:30
Where ENS de Lyon, Site Monod, Salle 116
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Speaker: Rodrigo Dorantes-Gilardi
Summary: A basic tenet of biology states that the amino-acid sequence of proteins specifies the structure and function of the protein. Although it's possible to quantify experimentaly functional changes after a mutation in a protein, it is not the case for structural changes.
As an alternative, one can use theoretical approaches modeling protein structure as a network of atoms in interaction. I'll talk about such alternative with a comparative study between structural and functional changes in an enzyme referred to as 1BE9.
Our study is based on the experimental work of Ranganathan et al., analyzing the functional impact of mutations in the enzyme, and the comparison of the respective structural changes measured by network modifications.