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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Agenda / Séminaires / Séminaires 2018 / Workshop about Data Visualization and AI (EM Lyon - FIL-IXXI)

Workshop about Data Visualization and AI (EM Lyon - FIL-IXXI)

Organized by EM Lyon Business School, the FIL (Fédération Informatique de Lyon), and IXXI.

ENS de Lyon

Quand ? Le 17/05/2018,
de 14:00 à 18:00
Où ? ENSL, campus Descartes, room D2 128
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An Afternoon of Data Visualization and AI

Most of the program committee for OpenVis Conf in Paris (May 14-16) will be in Lyon giving an afternoon of free talks sponsored by the Data R&D Institute of emlyon business school.

There are a limited number of seats available for this event, so we request reservation here:

Date: May 17
Location: Descartes site (15 parvis René Descartes) of the ENS de Lyon, room D2 128.
Travel info map:
Time: 14h -18h + champagne reception after.

Free ticket (reservation requested):

14h - 14h45
Lane Harrison, Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Worcester Polytechnic Institute
“Re-Centering Human Centered Visualization”

Data visualization is making strides in delivering new tools to users, but providing more options leads to a paradox of choice. One way to address this problem is to better quantify the role of the human in visualization. Towards this end I'll share recent results ranging from low-level perception in visualization, to higher-level concepts like engagement and aesthetics. Re-centering visualization on the human not only aids design, but also brings new opportunities for next-generation visualization systems.

14h45  - 15h30
Yannick Assogba, Senior Data Visualization Engineer, Google Brain
“An Introduction to Deep Learning in the Browser”

Deep learning happens in Python, right? And what is deep learning anyway? This talk will introduce a browser based JavaScript library for deep learning (and regular machine learning too-- tensorflow.js) and explore the opportunities for doing machine learning locally in the browser.

15h30 - 15h45 COFFEE BREAK

15h45 - 16h30
Jim Vallandingham, Senior Data Visualization and Data Science Engineer
“Histograms to View Oodles of Doodles from Google”

In this talk, Jim Vallandingham will take us through his explorations of the expansive doodle drawing dataset from Google (“Quick, Draw!”). We will look at some amazing prior work from other visualizers exploring this data and then dive into the beauty and the power of the humble histogram.

16h30 - 17h15
Gabriel Florit, Graphics reporter at Washington Post
“An Aside on Side Projects”

The low-pressure safe space of a personal side project can energize your primary work. I will present a handful of my own side projects - a series of motorsport data sketches - and discuss how I used them to improve my augmented reality (AR) news graphic of Winter Olympic speeds.

17h15 - 18h
Arvind Satyanarayan, Assistant Professor at MIT EECS/CSAIL / Post-Doctoral Research Scientist at Google Brain
“The Building Blocks of Interpretability”

With the growing success of neural networks, there is a corresponding need to be able to explain their decisions. The machine learning community has developed several techniques for reasoning about neural networks, but has studied them in isolation. On the other end of the spectrum, visualization researchers have built new interfaces for understanding neural networks, but have not grounded them in these techniques. In this talk, I will demonstrate the powerful user interfaces that result from the intersection of these two fields. (See our related article at

18h +: Cocktail Reception in the Lobby, in front of the Descartes Amphitheater